Saturday 16 November 2013

How to Multiply in just Few Seconds -Math Tricks

U can multiply 3x 3 in just a second but can you multiply a number like 95 x 95 in less than 9 seconds ? No? check out the video tutorial to learn how to do multiplication in just few seconds by applying a simple logical trick ....

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The common methods for multiplying numbers using pencil and paper require a multiplication table of memorized or consulted products of small numbers (typically any two numbers from 0 to 9), however one method, the peasant multiplication algorithm, does not.
Multiplying numbers to more than a couple of decimal places by hand is tedious and error prone. Common logarithms were invented to simplify such calculations. The slide rule allowed numbers to be quickly multiplied to about three places of accuracy. Beginning in the early twentieth century, mechanical calculators, such as the Marchant, automated multiplication of up to 10 digit numbers. Modern electronic computers and calculators have greatly reduced the need for multiplication by y to depend on gadgets when we can acheive it by just a lil practice.

Stay updated  to learn more tricks follow us on youtube Indian Job Finder and All the best




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